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Indonesian - Ketawa program

Ketawa has been designed as a flexible online Indonesian Language learning program. Students will have a student work portfolio for each unit which will include written activities, support resources and opportunities for identifying, documenting and reflecting on goals.

Topic: Languages

Year Level
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6
Content Type
  • Program/Overview
  • Deputy Principal
  • Head of learning area
  • Principal
  • School leader
  • Teacher
Learning Area
  • Indonesian: Second Language
  • Languages
Through engaging with the Ketawa program, students will deepen understanding about themselves and others as users of languages, located within one or more cultures, and engaging in intercultural activities and reflection. They enrich their understanding of Indonesian as a language of a near neighbour, spoken by many millions of people, and intricately linked to diverse Indonesian cultures. They will have further opportunities to compare and discuss changes in languages and language use that are impacted by technology and contact with different language users from different cultures.
Web Link

Ketawa - Year 3

The Year 3 program provides an introduction to the Indonesian language and culture through 8 engaging units of work.

Web Link

Ketawa - Year 4

The Year 4 program provides further introduction to the Indonesian language and culture through eight engaging units of work.

Web Link

Ketawa - Year 5

The Year 5 program provides a range of engaging learning opportunities to introduce and extend students’ knowledge and understanding of the Indonesian language and culture across four terms.

Web Link

Ketawa - Year 6

The Year 6 program provides a range of engaging learning opportunities to introduce and extend students’ knowledge and understanding of the Indonesian language and culture across four terms.

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