Climate change is an important, overarching phenomenon, and will be of increasing significance to this and future generations as its impacts are more broadly experienced and understood in coming decades. Climate change has been variously described by climate scientists and politicians in recent years as both an ‘existential challenge’ as well as ‘the greatest moral challenge of our time’. As such, education will necessarily play a key role in our attempts to address this challenge in coming years.
As students and teachers learn about climate change, it is important that they can readily be involved in taking action to lessen its potentially harmful impacts, creating a more sustainable world for this and future generations. This can be described as ‘transformative’ or action-based teaching and learning.
Many of the action-based learning activities supported and promoted through Sustainable Schools WA, such as worm farming, organic composting, using renewable energy, 'reducing, reusing and recycling' and 'travel smart' actions are playing a significant part in reducing our greenhouse gas pollution.
The Coolbinia Primary School '10 Tonne Plan' provides a great example of what school communities can do in this area linked to an inspirational school vision.
A range of climate change resources including reports and school case studies can be found in the Connect community library.