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Chance and data

Year Level
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9
  • Year 10
  • Year 11
  • Year 12
Content Type
  • Program/Overview
  • Teacher
Learning Area
  • Mathematics
The Chance and Data strand focuses on chance events and data-handling processes. In Chance, the focus is on developing students’ ability to make predictions about how likely an event is in situations where there is uncertainty. In Data, the focus is on collecting, organising, analysing and presenting information (that is, data). 

As a result of their learning, students should be able to use their understanding of likelihood to compare and order everyday chance events, and be able to answer questions using data collection and/or interpretation. 

  • learn to recognise unpredictability in familiar daily activities and refine their use of the language of chance
  • describe and order events from least to most likely
  • begin to quantify ‘how likely’ it is that something will happen.

They should also begin to develop the understanding and skills needed to clarify the questions they want answered, and collect  and handle data to help answer those questions. They should also consider such questions as ‘What kind of data?’ and ‘How much do we need so we can feel reasonably confident in our conclusions?’  The uncertainty involved in drawing conclusions from data is what connects ‘chance’ and ‘data’. Thus, learning experiences should  be provided that will enable students to understand chance,  collect and organise data, summarise and represent data, and interpret data. 

As a result of their learning experiences, students should be able to achieve the following outcomes.

Understand Chance

Understand and use the everyday language of chance and make statements about how likely it is that an event will occur based on experience, experiments and analysis. 

Collect and Process Data

Plan and undertake data collections and organise, summarise 
and represent data for effective and valid interpretation and communication. There are two parts to this outcome—Part A:  Collect and Organise Data and Part B: Summarise and Represent Data—with a separate chapter for each.

Interpret Data

Locate, interpret, analyse and draw conclusions from data, taking into account data collection techniques and chance processes involved.

On this page


Chance and data

Developing Probability and Statistics


Chance and data diagnostic tasks - student worksheets

The Chance and Data Diagnostic Tasks explicitly focus on the student's ability to determine the chance of events happening. Task review and planning sessions are a critical component of using First Steps in Mathematics.

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