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Year 8

Year Level
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9
  • Year 10
Content Type
  • Program/Overview
  • Head of learning area
  • Teacher
Learning Area
  • Humanities and Social Sciences

On this page

Teacher resources


Year 8 Teacher resources

These resources consider the different types of business structures, the ways that food production businesses have responded to opportunities and the influences on the way people work in primary industries.

Student resources


Year 8 Student worksheets

These resources consider the different types of business structures, the ways that food production businesses have responded to opportunities and the influences on the way people work in primary industries.


Agriculture and technology

How technology is used in agriculture.


CBH Group case study

These resources consider the different types of business structures, the ways that food production businesses have responded to opportunities and the influences on the way people work in primary industries.

CBH Group Overview

CBH Group is Australia’s largest co-operative and a leader in the Australian grain industry, with operations extending along the value chain from grain storage, handling, transport, marketing and processing.

Business structures

Araluen Hagan from 14K Brewery

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