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Year 9

Year Level
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9
  • Year 10
Content Type
  • Program/Overview
  • Head of learning area
  • Teacher
Learning Area
  • Humanities and Social Sciences

On this page

Teacher resources


Year 9 HASS Teaching guide: Food now and in the future

Year 9 HASS Teaching guide: Food now and in the future


Year 9 HASS - Teacher resource One-pager

A One-pager is a written or typed graphic interpretation, on a single sheet of paper, demonstrating what students have learnt from a topic. It may include dot points, diagrams and other elements that summarise the topic.


Year 9 HASS - The micro lab protocol

The micro lab protocol


Year 9 HASS - Trade profiles Western Australian imports

Trade profiles Western Australian imports

Student resources


Year 9 HASS - Student worksheet

Year 9 HASS Student worksheet


Year 9 HASS - Spotlight on WA biomes

Spotlight on Western Australia biomes infographic


Year 9 HASS - Production of food and fibre in WA

Spotlight on the production of food and fibre in Western Australia.


Year 9 HASS - Spotlight on trade in WA

Spotlight on trade in Western Australia infographic.


Year 9 HASS - Future food security

Future food security in Western Australia infographic.


Year 9 HASS - Supply chain figures

WA Agriculture and fisheries supply chain figures


Year 9 HASS - How to draw a climate graph

How to draw a climate graph with the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).


Year 9 HASS - Managing dryland salinity

Managing dryland salinity in south-west Western Australia


Year 9 HASS - Biosecurity

Information sheet on biosecurity


Food security's become a major issue, and pests and diseases are front and centre.

Food Security & Food Wastage

Food Security is defined as when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life.

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