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Year 9

Year Level
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9
  • Year 10
  • Year 11
  • Year 12
Content Type
  • Program/Overview
  • Career practitioner
  • Deputy Principal
  • Educator
  • Principal
  • School leader
  • Teacher
Learning Area
  • Career and Enterprise
  • VET

Year 9 Career learning lessons mapped to ABCD

Year 9 Career learning lessons mapped to the Australian Blueprint for Career Development (ABCD).


Year 9 Lesson 1 - Technical and personal skills

Students will be able to identify their own innate abilities and personal skills, explain the difference between personal and technical skills and state how they maybe of value to future employers.


Year 9 Lesson 2 - High 5 messages

Students can identify the High 5 messages of career development, make connections between the High 5 messages and a real-life scenario.


Year 9 Lesson 3 - About me

Students will identify their interests, values, personal attributes, and skills they need to develop further.


Year 9 Lesson 4 - Literacy and numeracy skills

Students will understand the literacy and numeracy skills required when undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship or Traineeship, connect their literacy and numeracy skills and aptitude to those required in their favourite industry.


Year 9 Lesson 5 - Planning a pathway

Students will develop an understanding that there is more than one pathway leading to careers of interest and that pathways are not necessarily linear.


Year 9 Lesson 6 - Unique Student Identifier (USI) and Tax File Numbers (TFN)

Students will understand the importance of the Unique Student Identifier (USI) and the process for creating and storing their USI and understand the need for a Tax File Number (TFN) and the process for applying for a TFN.


Year 9 Lesson 7 - Work health and safety - WorkSafe SmartMove general module

Students will develop and understanding of the importance of safety in the workplace by completing the WorkSafe SmartMove general module.

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